Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Looking back and planning ahead

Looking back at some of last summers picture made me want to start planning this summers events. We have a three day trip to Disney, a trip to Maine and a trip to Tennessee.

The above picture is of last summer at Capron Park Zoo. Lily was having fun but she feels this is an appropriate pose for pictures. When she is 30 she is going to look back and think, "was I a sad child?"

I try to do a lot of out doors stuff because she loves nature and physical activity but I work for a skin cancer surgeon so I can't be a tan or burned. Not so kosher. I know she's wearing a hat in the above picture but it is a struggle every time to tell her how important it is.

Last summer she became a hula hooping expert. By expert I mean she spent a year letting the hula hoop fall to the ground and then one day...."oh move my hips".  At the end of the summer I was convinced she would get a college scholarship in the sport.
Yoga-Ballet. Enough said. So as you can see she is a very active child. Like most children if I believe they have a certain amount of energy inside of them that must be used up. If they don't use it up they become CRAZY.

So I am thinking a summer of hiking.  Great at getting the energy out. Great excerise. Great bonding time.  Ahh..and it is cheap if not free. You can do it in the evening before sunset (no sunburns), it will give us time to chat and explore. Hopefully Grammy will join us. Here is my bucket list for the summer:
Cliff walk
Diamond Hill Park
Chafee Nature Preserve
Norman Bird Sanctuary
Purgatory Chasm ( it)
Rodmans Hollow
Sachuest Point

Now I must buy both of us decent hiking shoes that deal with sand, water and rough hiking trails. So excited just getting this out of my head and thinking about all the fun we'll have.

1 comment:

  1. Are you willing to adopt a 30 year old that hates sand? It sounds like an awesome summer!
