Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Random question #1

Author: Lily Faust
Age: 6

"Mom, if you were lost in the middle of the woods, who would you call first, your family or the police?"

This came out of no where. We were just chilling around the house on Monday. It can't be traced to a movie, show or book. I asked her twenty different ways how she came up with that question, her reply, "I was just thinking, like in my brain with pictures".

My reply, "I would call my family and have them call the police". She was fine with that answer and went on playing drawing on her dry erase board.

It was so obviously pointed out to me today that if I was in the middle of the woods with a cell phone....I'm probably not lost.

Since her brain has such an imagination, I should have elaborated and made up a good story.  Ah...they'll be a next time.

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